20160106 + Fish Lips

20160106 + Up early with L doing exercises. Dropped D off at school on the way into work. Crazy start, had an unexpected HR issue this am... Got a bunch done at the desk today. Left a couple hours early to take D to meet our insurance agent and learn about auto insurance and the difference in cost, especially when related to grades... Home and G doing much better today. D changed for baseball and LG&I dropped him off and then had dinner at Panera. After we ate I dropped L&G off at home and went to City Hall for a Landscape Board meeting where I was sworn in by the new Mayor. We didn't have a quorum so the meeting was cut short.  Home and watched G play on the Xbox a bit and got some work done. Out late to pick up D from baseball and then J from ski club. He reported he did not have a great time, 'kinda boring'. All to bed, not up too late, but still working on new app for work.