20220806 + Up in the am and on the laptop doing Booster stuff most of the morning. J home and we sat down and ordered his Apple mac book Pro for school. Got G up and we check his fluids and we headed to the USPS to drop off some packages and then over to Lowe's at Easton to return a hose L got for the dishwasher that didn't fit. We then went looking for a parking lot to practice maneuverability in. We found Mifflin High School, which I didn't even know existed, and apparently it is the place to go to practice as there were already 2 others there doing the same thing. We got the stuff set up and G practiced for about an hour. He did better than I expected, and it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. We swung by the auto parts store to get future fluids for G's car on the way home. Home and L&I got ready and headed to the grocery to get some stuff and then over to Bill & Maria's for dinner and chatting until the wee hours of the morning.