20120406 - Hard Labor

20120406 - Up and D helped me get ladders on the car. Then a couple of his friends arrived, Connor & Matt, and we all loaded up an headed to the Farm. We got there, got our stuff unloaded and got to work.  The Loughmans arrived and helped poly all the picnic tables and rip the east side roof off the smokehouse.

Then the kids scraped the paint on the smokehouse while Dave and I put new wood on the roof. An old friend, Lee, stopped by for a beer and ended up staying: 25 years ago Lee and I put a new roof on the woodhouse.

The Woods' stopped by to lend a hand and play too. The kids did some painting, mostly playing, and the smokehouse ended the day with a new paint job, a new roof and a bunch of tired workers.

20120405 - Up and sent D to school with instructions to find 2 friends to go to the farm and help tomorrow. To the desk and worked, made some plans for the work tomorrow. Had a quick dinner and L&J to zumba, D to baseball practice and G&I to Home Depot to get the supplies. Home, all boys to bed and I was up late packing the car full ready for an early departure.