20131108 - Full House

20131108 - Up in to work, day full of meetings. Went to restaurant to meet LDJ&G, Gma&paB, Rich, Sam & Lena for dinner. They were in town for the Veteran's Day events at the boy's schools. D took place in the flag ceremony n his Scout uniform. Place took too long and D&I had to leave to pick up a couple of his buddies to take them to a dance. Home and shipped an Amazon order. Everyone showed up only a couple min later and then took off for home. G&I played some rummy, it is so funny to watch his little face as he thinks about which cards to keep; he's pretty darn good for 7. G&I to pick the boys up at the dance, we played the ice cream truck music as we picked them up :-)  All the boys to our house for some ice cream and to played Call of Duty for HOURS.... they are spending the night. and up all nigh.