20131116 - Dem R Fish Legs

20131116 - Up a bit late, J&I got the black car from Doc and then to the scout store to get awards for the Boy & Cub Scouts meetings this coming week. D took off with some friends to go shooting and play airsoft. Home and we settled in to watch the Buckeyes play a shaky game, but win. I worked on putting together the flyer for the Boy Scout Court of Honor. We took a break after the game and LJG&I went out to run some errands; post office, library, hobby store, and then Cici's Pizza (absolute friggin zoo!). On to Kroger to get cake mixes for the boys and G found 'Dad, those things you like, Fish Legs!'.  A visit to the Home Depot for L and Staples for me and then home to put all the awards in bags and ready to present while we watched football and J&G played with their toy cars and ramp they made. D home and had a great time with his friends.