20200108 - Up in the am and in to work. Had an office full of people and doing new things all morning. That means I am not getting to the things that were on my agenda... That trend continued throughout the day and I accomplished lots of things but nothing on my lists... Home for only a second to grab a hard drive and head to City Hall for the Landscape Board meeting. It was short and sweet, they should probably get rid of this board... On to the GLHS Performing Arts Boosters meeting. Penn & I gave a presentation of Team App to them. We also stayed for some of the meeting to help them with a website discussion... it took FOREVER... These Boosters are nothing like the Athletic Boosters; they like to talk in depth about everything and make sure everyone's feelings are accounted for. We got out of there and headed to Bob Evan's for a bite to eat. Finally home and hung out in front of the TV waiting for J to come home from work and then chatted with him a bit.