20180128 - Up in the am an LG&I headed to church and D posted some things on ebay and then went to Panera to deliver things to hungry people. Home from church, L doing laundry, J writing a paper, G on the Xbox for a min before getting picked up to go hit at D-Bats and I am trying to get caught up on Blog, Booster, Baseball and Scout tasks. J headed out to scooter with some of his friends and G came home and we packed up and headed to teays valley for hiss basketball game. It was a very aggressive and poorly called game and the boys lost by 1 bucket :-( Home and D was home washing his shoes in the sink and J had the backyard full of boys and the apple tree full of hanging scooters. DGF7 showed up and L put them to work taking down the Christmas lights while J and his friends made a scooter ramp and G played on the Xbox. I finished renaming about a thousand photos and videos on the couch. The day wound down and the kids left.