101214 - Sick Delays

101214 - Up, DJ&L off to school.  G home sick with me,  he listened to Christmas music and played with Legos while I worked and on calls.  I made him some lunch, L got home and I was locked in the office until dinner.  We worked on multiplication with D... J&I back to a school open house, visited various classrooms and made things, reading wheel, math wheel 1, 2, skip a few.  We had a BLAST!  Then on to Meijer for J's Christmas shopping and a stop at the coffee shop for hot chocolate and espresso.  Home, up late in the basement.

101213 - 2 hr delay, L to school.  I shoveled the drive and saw the boys off.  I worked, picked up G, boys home.  L home from school xmas party, took D to get new glasses, he CAN see better!  D wrapping presents, dinner, LEGOs w/ G, then off to Bible Bangers