20191221 + Up lat L&I headed to G's basketball game in Pickerington, it was an ass-beating 60-17. On the way home we hit TSC and Culrver's for lunch. One last stop at the Auction house in Reynoldsburg before getting home. I ran to pick G up and then G&I went Christmas shopping for him. We had a good time in the store, setting all the egg timers and throwing balls and shoes at each other. We stopped and got some dinner at Arby's on the way home. Home and we ate and watched some of the OSU basketball game. After the game we headed to the basement to watch the 'Aeronauts'. L feel asleep but G&I thought it was a good movie. L went to bed and G&I watched a couple Jack Ryan episodes before heading to bed. I stayed up and watched a couple more shows. As soon as I shut my light off at 1am G came down the steps, couldn't sleep... So I got him set up in the living room and we watched another episode of Jack Ryan, G fell asleep, but now I can't sleep... last look at clock 3am...