20191205 - Up in the am and swung by the post office to drop off shipments, got a haircut and hit Planet Fitness quick. In to the office and solved 3 things in the first 10 min. Off and running the rest of the day. Headed home, L at G's basketball game in Grove City, they lost. I stopped at Wendy's on the way home for dinner and J was working the front counter. It was his first time doing it and people were lined up out the door. But he was slow and steady asking for help when he needed it and didn't get flustered. I ordered, sat down and ate and he kept the line moving. J came out as I was finishing up as his break started and we chatted a bit and then I headed home. L arrived home and then I ran to get G when he got back in town. We watched some Christmas shows and I stayed up to make sure J got home from work. J home and we looked at his phone a bit. i stayed up working on his phone until too late.