20141015 + Almost 8

20141015 + Up in the am and dropped D off at school on the way into work.  In to work and had a very busy day.  I headed out a couple min early and got home to pick up the fam to take them out for G's Bday dinner (Tomorrow night we are too busy to celebrate...).  We went to Stake n' Shake for dinner, same place we took G for his 5th bday.  We ate and then we headed to a couple of sports stores to find G a new glove, wooden bat and some pine tar.  He was a happy boy!  We took a walk through the new Field and Stream store before heading home.  Home and boys to bed.  L and I blew up some balloons, argued with D about homework not turned in that could still help his final grades and decorate for G's bday tomorrow.  Up late doing laundry and playing Titan Fall.

Almost 8                                               5 Years Old