20120227 - Excited Coffee

20120227 - Up and at the desk. It was freezing last night and warm today soothe sap was really running, we got one full bucket and simmered it all day. After work I cleaned up the garage and the boys were out enjoying the sun. We had dinner and the L went to G's Kindergarten parent prep night and the boys and I went to scouts with D. But the excitement and one of the boys favorite thing to do is get coffee with me after the meeting. We filled in and each announced their order. We got our drinks and relaxed and chatted a bit. I'm not sure how much longer this will be exciting to them (D is now starting to text a lot (a 'girlfriend' = Mia), so I cherish each visit...

Home, dropped the boys off and out to Bible Bangers. It was a fun night. Home late, sitting by the fire, sewed patches on J's Scout uniform.