081127 - Family Thanksgiving

081127 - The perfect clear November morning, the crisp crack of gun shots can be heard as the men do the annual pheasant hunting. The boys up early and down to the barn. Then back up and ready for the party. Everyone down to the farm and people I've seen walking through the doors my entire life come pouring in. Some of them are now missing, but new ones show up to keep this family cohort a continuous living entity all it's own. The prayer was started with with my Mom and she had everyone participate and share what we were thankful for; it wasn't easy to do or hear, but made us all feel better and closer. We all ate and shared stories of past and present. Here Grant and his cousin Spencer show that the next generation is just as likely to get into trouble as all the previous... Groups broke out for walks and talks and naps. Jack & Dylan out on expeditions, Jack back but Dylan was out longer and almost got trampled by a herd of deer. What a wonderful wonderful day.